Backyard Sports Cares brings 30 young adults to Brant Lake Camp

On August 23, 2013, Backyard Sports Cares headed up to Brant Lake Camp in the Adirondack Mountains with 26 boys and girls from The Edward Williams School’s Amazing Afternoons Program and the NewFlex Youth Program in Mt. Vernon. The directors and ownership of Brant Lake graciously donated the use of their camp for the trip. Our goal was to give these kids the full sleep away camp experience.  As soon as the kids arrived at camp they went for a swim in the beautiful mountain lake, and then kept  Read more [...]

Backyard Sports Cares Hosts 2nd Annual “Bits and Pieces Field Day” With Help From Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.

BYSC hosted an athletic and academic field day at the Bits and Pieces Camp in White Plains. The field day, held on July 26th, was put together for 155 campers by the Backyard Sports Cares staff. Our organization partnered with 40 volunteers from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals of Tarrytown, NY and hosted six different athletically and academically based activity stations for the campers. Regeneron coordinated a science station and taught them about the genes and DNA of strawberries. Other Regeneron Read more [...]

Backyard Sports Cares Concludes Successful Summer with New Rochelle Camp Shape

For the 5th consecutive summer, Backyard Sports collaborated with the City of New Rochelle to partner in Camp Shape, a four week program which brings a sport specific recreational camp to over 200 young athletes. Backyard Sports provided equipment and over 25 coaches for a comprehensive tennis and soccer program.  Peter Nestel, the Men’s and Women’s tennis coach at Purchase College was joined by many of his players and a host of Westchester High School tennis players to bring 10 and under tennis Read more [...]