Balancing act: Refocusing your high school jock so studies take precedent

Backyard Sports Timeout – Where our coaches field parents’ questions about Team Sports and offer ways to make it the Fun, Enriching Experience it’s supposed to be Q: My son plays varsity football. While we are proud of his athletic ability, we have seen a steady decline in his grades and interest in school. He's a junior and this year is important for college admissions. How do we strike the right balance between school and sports? A: It's difficult to curtail something like sports Read more [...]

Knowing their place doesn’t mean out of place

Backyard Sports Timeout – Where our coaches field parents’ questions about Team Sports and offer ways to make it the Fun, Enriching Experience it’s supposed to be My daughter has some cognitive development issues and would not be considered a “mainstream kid.” She doesn't play any sports even though her doctor says it’s okay for her to participate. She’s self-conscious and doesn't feel she can do it. Is there any type of sport that would be good for her?  A: Every team needs Read more [...]

Can’t make the game? Drop the guilt and pick up the conversation

Backyard Sports Timeout – Where our coaches field parents’ questions about Team Sports and offer ways to make it the Fun, Enriching Experience it’s supposed to be Is it realistic to enroll our 5th grader in a team sport if our schedules don't allow us to attend all the games and practices? I'm afraid my son will feel like we don't care. Should we skip enrolling this year or make the best of it? A: When I was growing up in suburbia I knew two kids who came from single parent homes. They Read more [...]